The First International On-line Knot Theory Congress
Feb 1 - Feb 5 (UTC+0), 2025 by Zoom
In honor of the 80th birthday of Louis H. Kauffman
This on-line congress is an opportunity to share current research results on knot theory from around the world.
All talks will be on-line over zoom, with zoom links available on this webpage before the conference.
Questions about the conference can be directed to any members of the organising committee.
Recordings of talks for which speakers agree will be available at YouTube.
Plenary speakers
Dror Bar-Natan
Cameron Gordon
Sergei Gukov
Louis Kauffman
Akio Kawauchi
Mikhail Khovanov
Ciprian Manolescu
Vassily Manturov
Peter Ozsvath
Lisa Picirillo
Jacob Rasmussen
Nicolai Reshetikhin
Zoltan Szabo
Vladimir Turaev
Victor Vassiliev
Edward Witten
Organising Committee
Colin Adams
Vassily Manturov
Sofia Lambropoulou
Seiichi Kamada
Roger Fenn (In memoriam 1942-2025)
Seongjeong Kim
Qingying Deng
Illia Rohozkin
Scientific Committee
Colin Adams
Scott Carter
Roger Fenn (In memoriam 1942-2025)
Cameron Gordon
Seiichi Kamada
Akio Kawauchi
Mikhail Khovanov
Sofia Lambropoulou
Vassily Manturov
Jose Montesinos
Jozef Przytycki
Vladimir Turaev
Andrei Vesnin
Colin Adams, Carmen Caprau, Paolo Cavicchioli, Joye Chen, Qingying Deng, Neslihan Gugumcu, Seiichi Kamada, Seongjeong Kim, Thomas Kindred, Anastasios Kokkinakis, Sofia Lambropoulou, Lucrezia Lorenzi, Sonia Mahmoudi, Vassily Manturov, Igor Nikonov, Jonathan Schneider, Alexander Simons, Andrei Vesnin, Illia Rohozhkin.